SF & NM Elected Officials

Elected officials represent our interests at the local, state, and federal levels. Communicating with them about issues of importance to you is a crucial means of seeing that they understand our priorities.
Most elected officials also have a person in their office designated to handle constituent requests for intervention with an agency or other authority on specific matters. They may be referred to as field reps, constituent liaison people, or similar titles. An inquiry from an elected official can often break an administrative logjam.
When writing or calling, a concise and respectful inquiry or statement has the best likelihood of getting the action you want.
Below is contact information for the officials representing the Las Campanas area.

Federal Representatives

Two senators are elected to represent each state. They usually have a contact form accessible through their website.
Our current senators are:
Martin Heinrich
303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Santa Fe office
123 E. Marcy St. Ste 103
Santa Fe 87501
Ben Ray Luján
Washington office
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Suite B40C
Washington, D.C. 20510
Local office
120 South Federal Place
Suite 302
Santa Fe 87501
House of Representatives

Teresa Leger Hernandez
Washington office
1432 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Local office
120 S Federal Place
Suite 110B
Santa Fe 87501
New Mexico is divided into three congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives.
Las Campanas is located in New Mexico's 3rd. congressional district. Our current representative in the House is

State Representatives

Executive Branch
Michelle Lujan Grisham
490 Old Santa Fe Trail Room 400
Santa Fe 87501
Legislative Branch
The legislative branch is comprised of the Senate and House of Representatives. There are 42 senators, elected for four-year terms, and 70 representatives elected for two-year terms.
The legislature convenes annually on the third Tuesday of January. The session is for a maximum of 30 days in even-numbered years, and a maximum of 60 days in odd-numbered years. In even-numbered years, legislative business is limited to budgetary matters, issues raised by special message of the governor, and bills previously vetoed.
State Senate
Las Campanas is located in Senate District 25. Our current state senator is:
Peter Wirth
Room 203CN
708 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe 87501
State House of Representatives
Las Campanas is located in House District 46. Our current house representative is:
Andrea Romero
Room 203CN
P.O. Box 8139
Santa Fe 87504-8139


County Commissioner
Las Campanas is located in District 2 of Santa Fe County, represented by a county commissioner. The current commissioner is:
Anna Hansen
Term expires 2020
P.O. Box 276
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0276
(505) 986-6329 
Commissioner Hansen's Constituent Services Liaison
Sara Smith